Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Hey there,
I'm doing okay, although the other day i ran my bike in to my companions bike and flipped off of it onto the ground and skinned both of my knees, one in the same exact spot i skinned it the first time. So that combined with a possibly broken foot means that it is very hard for me to walk around without pain. Also, yesterday while i was riding my bike i noticed that it was starting to make a funny sound, thinking nothing of it i continued riding for another mile when suddenly seemed to shrink a foot. When i got to the stop light i checked my bike frame and the weld connecting the back tire to the main frame had broken. I guess that is what i get for buying a used $30 bike that is too small for me.
On a brighter note, it turns out that the elder of a senior couple in our district has met Tres before, i showed a picture and he said it was definetly him who helped him make copies at the family history center. And we are contacting a couple new investigators, former investigators, and less active members. We have one family from Uzbeckastan who speak russian and so we have someone in utah translate for us over the phone. We also have at least 3 invetsigators who want to be baptized and have had all the disscussions but are on parole and so we have to get them approved by the first presidency. Yesterday we also had our first baptismimal interview, and she will get baptized this thursday. We also have 3 kids who want to get baptized really badly and so we are going to teach them the disscussions as soon as we get a hold of them. On sunday, we were on our way to a dinner appointment and were cutting through a chuck e cheese parking lot when 2 travelers called us over and asked what we were doing. We had a quick disscussion with them and the gave them a pass along card, which just happened to be a book of mormon free copy card, and they immediantly asked how they could get one. I just happened to have one in my bag and gave them the copy. They were so thrilled.
Well I better let you go, give everyone my love.
Elder Zachary Huston

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